What are the projects that don’t get enough play?!

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TELL US:  What oral history projects have advanced social justice
that the world should know about? 

We are especially excited to hear about work that is driven by and for people or communities of color,
as well as work happening outside the US and in languages other than English.


What is MixTape 2.0?

MixTape 2.0 is a multimedia resource that will feature in-depth case studies of successful social justice oral history/narrative work. It will give readers/listeners a look into the nitty-gritty of what has made each project impactful - as well as honest assessments of the challenges and tensions encountered along the way. 

Why MixTape 2.0?

Groundswell's first MixTape was launched in 2013, and compiled work that Groundswell members were conducting in the United States. It was a quick sampler designed to give a sense of the many different ways that practitioners were engaging oral history and narrative work in service of social justice.

MixTape 2.0 will explore fewer projects in much more depth and detail. This will help readers/listeners learn from the projects’ successes and challenges, and apply those learnings to their own work.